Dr. Thomas Whitehouse
Distinguished Sidney Greidanus Professor of Biblical Studies
Departmental Chair
With over 40 years of pastoral and teaching experience, Dr. Thomas Whitehouse (Distinguished Sidney Greidanus Professor of Biblical Studies) brings a passion for careful and deep study of God’s word to the seminary faculty. After his studies at Florida Bible College (B.A.), Capital Bible Seminary (M.A.), and Somerset University (Ph.D.), He pastored churches in San Antonio and the Rio Grande Valley, working primarily in Spanish. He and his wife Angie have nine children and eight grandchildren. He has been the pastor at Living by Faith Church in McAllen since November, 2010.
Before joining our faculty as a full professor, he served as adjunct professor at Texas Bible College (1981-1983), National Christian University (1997), Baptist University of the Americas (2001-2004), and Rio Grande Bible Institute (2005-2008). He received Edinburg Theological Seminary’s H. Ridderbos Exegetical Award in 2008, the Outstanding Faculty Award in 2009, the Spurgeon Preaching Award in 2016 and The ETS Literary Award in 2017. His goal is that the glory of God in Jesus Christ be manifest in every sphere of life through the careful study, meditation, and application of Scripture.
A skilled English/Spanish translator, Dr. Whitehouse has translated The Gospel Under Siege: a Study on Faith and Works, by Zane Hodges (El Evangelio Bajo Sitio: Un Estudio Sobre la Fe y las Obras, Redención Viva, 1985), and Mountain of Light (Monte de Luz), a Wycliffe Bible Translators’ missionary film on the Sepik Iwam tribe in Papua New Guinea.
Dr. Whitehouse’s latest scholarly publication is “Models of Cultural Transformation” in the premier issue of Fidelity, a scholarly yet practical journal on applying the word of God to every aspect of our culture and our world. It is available here. He has also published a Christian fantasy novel, BirthSong, available here.
C. Dr. Brett Becler, BA, MDiv, ThM, ThD-ABD
Teaching Fellow
New Testament Themes; Sin, Evil and the Nature of the Antichrist in Biblical Perspective
Dr. Jon Herrin, BA, MA, MDiv, ThM, ThD
Visiting Professor
Pentateuch; Poetic Books; Major and Minor Prophets; Introduction to Greek
Dr. Neftalí Adán Rodríguez, Lic., ThM, ThD
Advanced New Testament Exegesis; Pauline Studies; Book of Romans;
Dr. Joseph Nájera, BA, ThM, ThD
Associate Professor & Fellow
New Testament Greek; Exegesis; Reformed Hermeneutics
Dr. Ron Smith, B.Th., M.A.T.S., D.B.S.
Associate Professor
The Old Testament Law; Old Testament Historical Books
Dr. Thomas Whitehouse, BA, MA, PhD
Distinguished Sidney Greidanus Professor of Biblical Studies
Creation Studies; New Testament Themes; Biblical Worldview
The Rev. Prof. Sean Roberts, BA, MDiv
Adjunct Professor
Greek Exegesis; Hermeneutics; New Testament Studies
Dr. Eli Herrera, Lic., MDiv, ThM, SThD-ABD
Instructor & Fellow
The Book of Acts and the Work of the Holy Spirit; New Testament Themes