ETS God's Word transforming every sphere of life

Edinburg Theological Seminary’s Journal
A Call for Articles and Book Reviews

Kerygma, Edinburg Theological Seminary’s e-newsletter, will become a full-fledged journal. The Premier Issue is expected to be available in both print and electronic editions during the Spring semester of 2021.

We are calling for:

  • Articles: Original scholarly articles, in English or Spanish, from a biblical Christian/reformational perspective, on any subject that would be of interest to the Christian community in its mission of proclaiming and advancing the Kingdom of God in every sphere of life and society. Articles should be in MS Word or Apple Pages format, single spaced, with footnotes (not endnotes) set up in Turabian/Chicago style. Maximum length is 10,000 words.
  • Book Reviews: Reviews of books written in the last four years that would be of interest to the Christian community in its mission of proclaiming and advancing the Kingdom of God in every sphere of life and society. Reviews of older books can be accepted if, in the view of the journal editors, the book is especially important and not commonly known. Reviews should be in MS Word or Apple Pages format, single spaced. Maximum length is 2500 words.
  • Article Reviews: Reviews of articles from other theological journals or magazines hat would be of interest to the Christian community in its mission of proclaiming and advancing the Kingdom of God in every sphere of life and society. Reviews should be in MS Word or Apple Pages format, single spaced. Maximum length is 2500 words.

Articles and reviews accepted for publication remain the property of the original author. The author gives permission for one-time publication in the then-current issue of
Kerygma, as well as inclusion on the E-library page of the Seminary website. The original author is free to seek additional publication in other venues. If the new venue requires removal from the seminary’s E-library page, we will do so upon written request.

Most articles for the first issue have been received but there's still room. Please mail articles and reviews to Dr. Thomas Whitehouse at by the end of December, 2020.