The Van Dyk Library
The Van Dyk Library, honoring the internationally recognized scholar, author and conference speaker, Dr. John Van Dyk, ETS Distinguished Visiting Professor in Christian Education, is the depository of a broad array of works representative of Western Thought in general, and of Christian writings in particular. Here the works—major and minor, of writers faithful, unfaithful or indifferent to the Truth—, are confronted with the only words and writings that uniquely come to us from the hand of God: the Holy Bible.
The Seminary Library, established in 2008, is part of a large network of AMECES book depositories and libraries open to student and faculty alike; our goal is to acquire 500 books per year covering all the areas of theology and biblical world-view studies—in particular books which are representative of historic, orthodox and reformational perspectives. To complete this daunting task, it counts on friends of the Seminary and patrons of the literary arts, and is open to receiving the smallest amounts of books from individuals, to endowments of a lasting character that may be bestowed from institutions and denominations supporting Hispanic Leadership Studies here in the Rio Grande Valley.
Specialized Collections in English and Spanish
The Library of the seminary, containing works in English, Spanish and the original Biblical languages, is especially recognized for its manuscripts and books documenting the unique advancement of the missionary growth of the Church in the Rio Grande Valley. It has, in addition, a large amount of equally important and unique theological, philosophical and ecclesiastical world-view studies covering the full-orbed experiences of God’s people in the history of the Church throughout the ages.
In addition to many other sources, the Van Dyk Library is extremely proud to have been considered as the final custodian of the personal libraries of the following Christian Leaders: The Rev. Cruz Granados, Dr. J. Tucker, Dr. Haine v. de R., Dr. G. Villanueva, del Dr. J. Van Dyk, and Dr. J. Huegel. The Library has the following specialized holdings:
◆ The Cruz-Granados Memorial “Church History of the Rio Grande Collection”: Honoring this pastor and pioneer in the Rio Grande Valley, the collection contains the personal library of the Rev. Cruz-Granados and a great amount of data about the church of our Lord in this frontier region.
◆ The John Van Dyk “Christian Education Collection”: A collection of unique pedagogy, with a great number of studies on Christian education.
◆ The Guillermo Villanueva “Evangelism & Theology Collection”: A growing number of books, essays, and studies on evangelism and the mission of the church are included in this collection.
◆ The John Huegel “Pastoral Theology Collection”: Dedicated to the growth of the study of practical and pastoral theology.
◆ The Laureta Haine Roberts “Sacred Music Collection”: This collection of hundreds of songs and hymns, many unknown, are a liturgical jewel for the church of all times.
◆ The John Tucker “Civic Leadership Collection”: Dedicated to the study of the Kingdom role of Christians in the community and government.