ETS God's Word transforming every sphere of life


C. Dr. Carlos Gutiérrez Valencia
Associate Professor of History and Philosophy of Christian Education
Departmental Chair Pro Tem

Department Chair Pro Tem. C. Dr.Carlos Gutiérrez Valencia

Counseling and Educational Leadership Programs Advisor. Dr. Sharon Coleman R. is an outstanding educator, with studies, experience and Texas State endorsements in teaching, administration and counseling. Sharon has studied at the University of Texas – Austin and the University of Texas/Pan Am – Edinburg and, with an MA-Ed in Science, MA-Ed in Counseling and Ed.D. in Leadership, has a wealth of professional involvement in all aspects of schooling, which she brings to her coordination of our ETS counseling and leadership programs.

Curriculum Advisor. A visionary teacher with the heart of a missionary, Dr. John Van Dyk, ETS Distinguished Visiting Professor of the Philosophy of Christian Education, has made the expanding of the heart and mind of the Christian educator his mission, and the world his classroom, after following an exceptional course of study that took him from Calvin College to Cornell University. Trained in philosophy and the classics, Professor Van Dyk, whose studies, books, articles, conferences, and seminars have influenced a world-wide audience, has found both teachers and students, many in some of the remotest areas, eager to learn from his scholarly work.

Of special interest to our student body are his studies translated into Spanish, such as
Panorama de la Historia de la Filosofía (available online at our ETS Biblioteca Reformacional), and his The Craft of Christian Teaching, translated as El Arte de Enseñar Cristianamente (both are available from Dordt Press). A consultant in many venues, Dr. Van Dyk is our advisor on matters of Christian curriculum and instructional programs.